Saturday, May 26, 2007


i am positively limp from relaxation right now. i've actually been up since 7:30, working on Master's new website while in the backyard, drinking coffee and chilling out. It is SO beautiful out here in the renovated back yard. It's not even 1 p.m. and the dogs are passed out on the lawn because they've been chasing bumblebees since 7:30!

i'm taking a quick break from the website work, dying my hair back to a proper shade of magenta while Master is out at the dentist getting His first filling ever! *grin* It's not nice to be mean but it sure is fun teasing Him about getting needles in His mouth!

OK, back to work with me! i really want to get this new site launched by the end of the weekend.....

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


How the heck did it get to be the 22nd? It's been a busy month here, getting ready to do a flurry of presentations, getting the yard finished, presenting at MAsT Central NJ's retreat, then running down to Amanda & amy's wedding this past Saturday. (Which was FABULOUS, by the way...)

i'm still recovering from ARTiscape. i feel a bit sad that i can't do as much ART as i would like. OK, i feel bad that i haven't done any ART at all. But, i did finally get that big, honkin' ass bondage bed out of my studio (Thanks Jim!) so i can get in to the closet. This lead to a major clean out/excavation/throw away of a ton of crap in there. If the studio is clean, then i can work in there with any free moment that i have. If it's a sty/junk room - then i have to spend 15 minutes clearing a spot to work and by then my passion is gone, as is the 15 minutes that i had to work. All that's left is 2 small-ish piles of fabric that need to be sorted thru and put away. But now, now my space is workable. Good. That's a feeling of satisfaction! Another layer of past that i was holding on to let go and released from my spirit!

But really, who cares about my junk! Let's talk about the orgasm contest. Individually and with Master, i'm up to 22. i'm not sure what His solo total is. i'm pleased that i'm averaging one per day, although they've been coming in bunches, so to speak. :-) Anyone else posting their running totals?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

event drop

Wow, who knew? Who knew that there'd be "event drop" after an art retreat, the same as there is after a Leather event? i totally have the blues. i miss the people that i met, so many fabulous creative ladies, so many supportive and wonderful men - all of whom, and i mean ALL, had that aura of support and "hey, go for it! you're great!" for every one that they met.

i miss being in that supportive space, where every meal was talk of making, every conversation was a festival of ideas shared. i stepped out side of my self and i liked it, a lot. Hrrumph, i sit at my office desk, no view of the outside, making lists of projects that i want to work on, when i'm home.

i keep looking at the ATC's (artist trading cards) that people gave me, even though i had nothing to trade. Just because. Or the beautiful necklace with a Japanese lady on it, that a Lady from Tennessee gave me, because she said she made it and it belonged to me. Or i think about the teacher who dubbed me "The Queen" in my first class there and how the name stuck all weekend and his invite to check out his studio when i go to Indianapolis for GLLA. Such an out pouring of goodness from good people.

This is the same sadness that i feel when i come back from a leather event. Why? Because the mundane work is not fitting me. Or i don't fit it. So, what does that say? Something's got to give.
*she wanders away muttering to go clear more paperwork off her desk*

PS Master's taking me out to dinner to try to cheer me up! my Master ROCKS! :-)

Monday, May 07, 2007


It almost always seems that i get excited about an event and then am disappointed when it's over. Not this time. my trip to ARTiscape exceeded my expectations. i was teary eyed by the time i was leaving the hotel, partly because i am going back to the every day mundane work day world and partly because i was leaving all my new found friends! i will expand on this entry when i get home tonight, i just wanted everyone to know that i got home safe, later than expected but safe and happy, tired but worn out with good work and exciting new possibilities for my work. New tools, new directions, new techniques.

So happy to see my Master waiting for me by the baggage carousel. Goddess, i missed that Man while i was away! :-)

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Master Larry's snake, named 'Nake died today. Very sad. Yes, i know it's weird to say that a snake was good guy, but he was. Very friendly and handle-able. Very well tempered. And one of the most beautiful reptiles i've ever had the honor of sharing my life with. He was a glowing golden sherbet orange and cream and had beautiful ruby coloured eyes. We buried him in the front yard, next to the front door, so his spirit can guard the household's entrance. my Master is very sad today.


i both love and loathe packing for a trip. Usually, it;s making sure that my boots are not rubbing against Master's boot in the suitcase, resulting in hours of work for me when we reach our destination. Or making sure our uniforms aren't getting super wrinkled. Or how to get ALL the leather we own in to the carry-on bags. (because we don't trust the baggage handlers...)

This trip is different. First of all, it's the first time i'm traveling alone. (well, ok, i did do the Avon 3 day walk, but i was traveling with 1,500 other women for a common cause) So, it's a bit weird, planning my days according to how i want them, but still thinking what would make Master happy, even if He's not with me. i'm the kind of person who won't eat in a restaurant if i'm alone because i don't want to be seen as an outcast. So, travel alone is a stretch for me.
Secondly, i'm trying to figure out how to take all my required materials and supplies with me in one suitcase and be able to pack my clothes and one nice outfit for the dinner/Cinco De Mayo party on Saturday night. Soldering irons, tin snips, collage items, bone folder (gross name, no? sounds like a surgical tool to me.)
Thirdly, i am totally pushing myself to learn new techniques, putting my art out there where people might be able to see it! (EEK!) i don;t necessarily think the stuff i make if excellent. i do however think that i am an excellent artist - because i try, because i love the process, because i must do this stuff. i tried to not do it, because i was told (by my dad) that my stuff was weird or bad or ugly or made no sense. But let me tell you this thing i've learned. If you were meant to do something and you shove it away from you, it'll never really go away. It'll keep coming back and sneaking up on you. And it'll bite you in the ass, and you'll regret it. There's no hiding from what you are. Ever!