Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Leather Pride Weekend

This weekend some one who i didn't know was a reader of mine commented that i don't journal often enough! Well, i'll try to do better - You know who you are! (if my faithful readers would leave a comment now and then, maybe i'd be more inspired...)

It was a really tough week for me leading up to LP. Lots of emotional stuff to work though. i'm proud to say the HSL is a bunch of tough mother fuckers, willing to do the hard work and dig deep. i'm proud of us all!

When we left for LPN, my heart just wasn't in it, but i ended up having a decent time at LPN and a blast at Folsom. On Monday Sir took me to Gunnison Beach where i had a great naked time and got sun burn in places that i never have before! After going there, i can't understand why anyone WOULDN'T want to go there - so much more comfortable and no sand chafing in the swimsuit. A perfect relaxing day - except for the biting flies (which bit me in places i've never had bites before!) i hope we can go back maybe in September, before it gets cold out but after the crowds of people think beach season is over.

Over all wrap up for the week - Hard work, Lots of flirting with someone :-) Hot leather Men and Women and Girls and Boys, a little sunburn, a few bug bites, some major relaxation and Oh, yes, a HUGE weight lifted of my shoulders. i am a lucky girl!

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