Monday, August 07, 2006


Well, after an emotionally draining weekend... a lot of tough relationship issues worked over discussed.... now i had to take my poor Taybor to the vet for some draining of his own. Poor boy either has an abcess OR a blocked salivary gland. He's running a fever, very lethargic and really in a lot of pain. i took him to the vet this morning and they might have to shave his face and neck, knock him out and take some x-rays to figure out what's going on.

(just heard from the vet. They drained what they could but it looks like trauma boy needs to go to a specialist surgeon! Oy! i'm going to go pick him up in a little while and then hit my books and see what i can do for him herbally so avoid surgery. Wish me luck!) i can't wait to see if they shave his face....... :-(

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