Friday, December 15, 2006


A recap of the week:
Very busy at work. i spent most of the week getting ready to visit my clients next week. This is my favorite client visit of the year - i get to deliver presents and gift cards and since i really like about 90% of the people i get to visit, i have a blast!
Wednesday was Jury Duty. Blarg! i enjoy doing my civic duty as a Good American, i just wish the process was so awful. my company doesn't pay for jury duty, i am out of vacation days after going to Black Rose and the Court system pays $5.00 per day to serve. i'm sorry, but that amount of money is more of an insult than a help. It's not enough for gas or parking or lunch. Grr... but i wasn't selected for jury and ended up getting out at noon. FREE day!

i ended up going to Target, buying a big shelf unit for the Master's bedroom and re-organizing all His boots and toys. Now easily accessed, neat looking rows of boots (my eye beholds!) and somehow the bedroom seems brighter.
It's a continuation of the decluttering going on here. i also got rid of another bag of clothes and a bag of papers we don't need and a lot of stuff that i ended up looking at and wondering "now, why did i save this?" i was reading a blog on being spiritually stifled by your stuff. It's true. So very true. Whether you go the Feng shui thing or what ever your spiritual practices are, all that "stuff" is just so much spiritual goo that's got to be removed before you can move ahead. Interesting food for thought.

Last night i took Master out to a new restaurant in town. Pretty good food. i would eat there again. Then off to toy shopping for the Argonauts toys for tots drive in Asbury Park tonight. We don't have any kids to buy for so any excuse to shop for toys is always fun.

Listening to Master's old band Sticks and Stones. First off, it was just weird downloading all His music from I-Tunes, Secondly - wow, such good memories about traveling with the band in that big ugly ORANGE VW van. i realized that just about every band the Man has been in has sampled stuff from the movie Blade Runner. Weird.
Waking up each morning to the Black Crowes sing "then she said my name" It just sets the whole tone of my day and makes me feel good. Great song...


Anonymous said...

Are these actually photos of Larry on this website???

barb said...

YES! LOL! no muscles and practically no tattoos! The old singer is now a drag queen in somewhere in Europe....