Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's a good day!

my day started off rough, the ragweed pollen is still kicking my butt. i muddled though some mayhem with my clients, and by the end of my first visit i think i nailed down a huge chunk of new business. The weather was so beautiful, i got to really enjoy my time on the road, had a fantastic $3.79 meal at my favorite new cheap eats place: Pollo Tropical. Yummy. Grilled chicken, rice and beans... can't beat it.

No sooner did i get back in the office, my boss let us out at 4 pm! i got to the gym at the same time as Master, we egged each other on... and some how... i'm not sure how this happened.... i bench pressed 100 lbs... twice! Holy Mo! i super happy about this and, we all know how it goes in this household - if you did the weight one time, it's your new weight. "No Backsies!" as we would shout as kids. i feel good. Really good right now. (ok, maybe a little sore. But good.)

During dinner, i glanced outside and there was a hummingbird doing hummingbird things in the yard. Nice. It's been a good day.

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