Monday, June 05, 2006

Sir sent me these beautiful flowers today at work. Funny how everyone asks: Is it your birthday? Anniversary? No and No.... Then they ask Did you guys have a fight? No. The next thing out of everyone's mouth is "uh oh! He must have done something wrong!"

Why can't the Man send me flowers? Like His card to me said "Because I wanted to."

i haven't done anything 'wrong' when i sneak little treats (pocky, bottle caps candy and sometimes a toy or two) into His brief case. And i don't think anyone thinks it's weird if a woman does that for "her Man."

i'm going to stop worrying what other people think and just enjoy the spicy smell of these beautiful mums!


Anonymous said...

I don't know, sb, there's just something about you and/or your crazy job that makes a person want you to have some foliage on your desk!

danae said...

that is so nice. Such pretty flowers!