Monday, April 30, 2007

Happy Beltane!

May 1st, Beltane, one of my Pagan favorite holidays! Celebrating the beginning of the summer season, encouraging fertility - not just the creation of children but the fertility of the mind, the spirit, the creation of new ideas and art. And of course, Sex. (What else would a good Pagan celebrate?)

A few years back, Master Blair hosted a contest on her blog to celebrate Beltane. Yes, that's right, the infamous Count-Your-Orgasms-for-a-Month Contest. Master Larry and i won that year. Our collective total was 38. Yes, that's right, 38 orgasms in 31 days. Do the math, we were very busy. (not to mention sore!)

So Here's the rules if you'd like to join in:
Each orgasm counts.
If you are having solo sex, have one orgasm - that counts as one.
If you are having sex with another person and you BOTH cum - that counts as one each. (not 2 for you no matter how skilled you are!)
(and so on, if you're in a triad or whatever your relationships are...)
And, yes, phone sex counts - as long as there's an orgasm.
Yes, ok - so people in a household together probably have an advantage because we can pool our results.
i suppose in the interest of fairness, we could also tally how many times we make another person cum? That would mean forming teams, i guess.... Now that's an idea. Let's discuss...

The rules basically boil down to: It's a free for all. i suppose i get to make the final determination on who the winner is. Yes, a prize will be awarded. A mere token, but really - you should be happy to just experience the challenge! :-0

Get busy people! i expect occasional progress reports, either via email in private or if you're willing, post your results here.

Have a very blessed Beltane!

Sunday, April 29, 2007


It looks like Master's website host went belly up this weekend - If anyone's trying to get a hold of us, please email us at internationalmasterslave2007 at

Oy, we're trying to get the domain transfered to a new host, but they told us "Yes, ok, as soon as we get permission from you old host, you'll be good to go." Umm, their phone's disconnected and they're not answering email. So now what?

Thanks to everyone we contacted for helpful suggestions, y'all were right on target! (Ray, you rock!)

Stay tuned here for updates and info in the mean time!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


my Master rocks! He kicks ass! i am SO PROUD of Him! He just got some great news at work, which i am not allowed to divulge in any detail, yet. Suffice it to say there will be a lot of celebrating and dancing and both hooting and hollering at HSL this evening! All this and really amazing sex last night? The stars must be a good alignment.....

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Neglecting you?

Yes, my faithful readers..... i am sorry that i've been neglecting y'all. Something popped up in my life that made me really angry and... well, to be perfectly honest - there was no way that i could write about it here and no way that i could NOT write about it, if i was writing anything at all. So, i just let if fester until it has slunk away. Back in to it's... well, where ever it goes back to roost.

Amazing how we don't learn from past mistakes. (And by we, i mean they, because i am perfect. i always get an "A+". *snort* ) {That's meant as a joke. Please.}

That's all i'm going to say on the matter, which is no longer at hand.

i will instead ease myself back into writing here by talking about dead old Soviets. Master and i were talking about Boris Yeltsin's passing and how we've seen a lot of history: the Berlin Wall, etc, etc. i mentioned that i remembered when Leonid Brezhnev died. "i remember it clearly because the boy i was semi-dating at the time brought his combat boots over to my house because i offered to clean them for him." That bit of long forgotten info fell out of my mouth, i looked horrified and Master just chuckled. Yeah, i guess i was a boot whore, even in '82. Good grief!