Friday, July 23, 2010

The Melissa Etheridge show....

OK, so people who know Master and i well know that someone near and very dear to us came out a few months ago (at the age of 80, i might add!) In the weeks and months in between she's been just an absolute pleasure to be around, no more fighting, no weird uber-conservative comments, no snarky remarks about hair or tattoos....just pleasant. Also, a huge thirst for music. She asked us to get tickets for Melissa Etheridge. Really? Hmmm.... i think the last concert she went to was Frank Sinatra back in the late 40's or 50's. Master hustled up some dynamite tickets and then the anticipation began to build. She was so excited!

To be honest, Master and i were a bit apprehensive. Melissa's not exactly the music we usually listen to. Her concerts last for 3 hours. Could we stand it? Could she? (i mean, she's 80. It's a long concert. She hates loud music....) Friday night, we picked her up and drove in to New Brunswick. One comment was made about what i was wearing "It's nice that you wore something low cut, you look nice. And your tattoos are showing, great!" (what? really?)

Well, we got in to our seats. The lights went down. Tribal drumming music starts. A few band members walked slowly thought the audience burning sage and cedar, blessing the room. i thought "very cool, but what's she going to think" She's looking a bit uncomfortable. But, ok, she also looks determined. Then there's this rumble coming from the crowd in the back of the auditorium. Flashlights waving around in the aisle....You hear a woman's voice on a microphone "we are all here to celebrate!" The crowd was moving like a wave....excitement! Yup, Melissa's coming through the crowd and walking right down the aisle we're in. Our newly out "friend" steps out in to the aisle and is dancing around like a 5 year old. Master and i are grinning. Melissa walks right towards her and put her hands on her shoulders in an embrace "we are all here to celebrate!" We're all crying like a bunch of fools. *grin* Melissa takes the stage, our "friend" turns to us and says "Frank Sinatra never walked through the crowd like that" i told her Lesbians are made of stronger stuff and Frank was a wimp. :-)

The show was spectacular. 3 hours of amazing music. She won me over with the first blues riff and blew me away. She's an under rated guitar talent. Truly in the top 5 concerts i've ever seen and i've been to hundreds, if not thousand of shows. Our friend made it through the entire show, occasionally breaking out of her seat to run up front and snap some photos like a teen age fan girl. What a blast. i think i just might have to take her to K.D. Lang (my favorite) or maybe the Indigo Girls... or the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival.....

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


No matter what century - someone, somewhere, somehow....has been carting LiLu to the vet. :-)

Today we got to decrease her prednisone, so hopefully she'll sleep thru the night and i won't have to wake up every 45 minutes to let her out to pee. This coming Saturday she'll be getting chemo #5.

Monday, July 12, 2010


For those of you lucky enough to be in the NYC area tonight, please enjoy this!

Thursday, July 08, 2010

4th of July

After a brutal and distressing Friday, in which i got another pay cut at
work - it was time for a blessed and much needed 3 day weekend.
night was spent at home and was quiet and full of hot sexy fun. (This
might be too much information, but i've been having a serious issue with
a total cessation of my sex drive. Be it from the "Peri-menopause" or
whatever. It was just gone, bye-bye sex drive. However, i believe that
due to the changes in diet and supplements i've been taking, it's back.
In force. Like i was when i was 20. No kidding!)

Saturday we headed off to the gym. i was determined to set some PB's
(personal bests) since it was the 8th anniversary of my ITP diagnosis.
So, the PB's that i set on Saturday were as follows:
shoulder press machine - 50 lbs (up 5 lbs from last week) (up 25 lbs
since Jan 2010) (plus i do these one arm at a time, because Master says
it's more difficult that way and He wants me to be tough.)

Decline bench press - 100 lbs!!! (up 20 lbs since last week) (up 35 lbs
since Jan 2010) (can you tell i've been dicking around with this
exercise? yeah....)
There were of course, many, many more exercises -
these are just the 2 that i felt were note worthy. i'll leave out the
description of me trying to do an 35 lb incline dumb bell shoulder press
and having an epic fail on that one - laid there like a bug under a
rock, struggling... Master had to rescue me. Damn. And i did that weight
a few times before!

Post gym, we swung home and picked up the Queen for chemo #3. At the
hospital, her blood tested so amazingly great that they actually
increased her chemo dose to fight those bastard cells extra hard! i was
super pleased that her tests came back so well, the supplements and food
changes are working for her too!

Home, rest, eat and eat and eat! and sex, sex and more sex. A good Saturday! Very good.

up early, home made bread toasted on the grill to the
gym for Leg Day. i started off with a PB on the Leg Press - 798 lbs (up
45 lbs from last week) (up 195 lbs since Jan 2010)

We also tried out some Diamond Bar Dead Lifts. Not huge weight for me,
but i've been scared to try dead lifts and it was time to get over that.
:-) Now i like them!
Hack squats, i left the weight the same as
last week, since last Sunday i smashed the weight i was doing by 90 lbs.
Yup, another exercise that i was underestimating myself in. i went from
180 lbs to 270.

Home, food, rest, food, food, food and then... you guessed it: lots of
sex. And cooking. The funny thing is, with the changes that both Master
and i have made in our food intake, we're both always cooking.
afternoon i realized that something was seriously amiss with my right
wrist. i believe it's a combination of the weight lifting and the sex
(there was some contortions going on). Master thinks it's funny to just
blame all the sex.

Monday was just a day of blissful rest, icing my wrist, eating and
sleeping. i'm now eating more food that i ever did and my weight is
steadily albeit slowly dropping. This was a long post with my banged up
wrist, so i am signing off now. Peace!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

i think i just pee'd my panties....

Last night as Master was watching TV and i was reading a book.. He stepped away for a second, i happened to glance at the screen, only to see a preview of the 11:00 news. i saw this picture and a very serious sounding voice over talking about a criminal who has been robbing stores in NYC. This is a real police sketch. Really. i'm not kidding. i was laughing so hard i couldn't breathe - Master came back in the room and was all like "what the fuck are you lying on the floor and choking for?" Until i hit rewind on the DVR. He promptly slid on the floor like a boneless fish fillet and joined me in my hysteria. So, without further ado, i bring to you the dastardly Cat Burglar! (i feel suspiciously like i might live in Gotham City....)