Friday, January 05, 2007

last post ever.....

HA! i gotcha didn't i?
It's my last post ever at 39, tomorrow i'll be 40. Mixed feelings? Nope, not really. i am ready to leave my 30's behind. Aside from winning the Northeast title this year, 39 basically sucked for me. In fact, over all - it was a worse year than when i was diagnosed with ITP. How's that for bad?

OK, maybe it wasn't all bad. i found my back bone and it was surprisingly buried under debris in my art studio. i found a lot of lost "stuff" this year, things i didn't even know were missing from my life. i made some good friends along the way and met a lot of people that i'd like to know better.
39, i lost my best dog, Basil. He'll never be replaced and i still miss him so much. But i do now have 2 rotten dogs to share my life with. (Not totally rotten, just very... muddy)

i am still on my Black Crowes kick, so i will leave ya'll with the lyrics to Wiser time. And a toast to the people who helped shape me for another year!

Wiser Time - The Black Crowes
No time left now for shame
Horizon behind me, no more pain
Windswept stars blink and smile
Another song, another mile
You read the line every time
Ask me about crime in my mind
Ask me why another read song
Funny but I bet you never left home
On a good day, its not every day
We can part the sea
And on a bad day, its not every day
Glory beyond our reach
Seconds until sunrise
Tired but wiser for the time
Lightning 30 miles away
Three thousand more in two days

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