Monday, December 04, 2006

to Black Rose and back again....

Wow, what a busy weekend! BR was a blast, Master and i had pretty good turn outs for both classes (considering having the first session and the last session) Amazing people in both classes, with great questions. A surprising (to me anyway) amount of people from NJ - hopefully we'll get them out to the NJ or MAsT Metro NY meetings. i was surprised and happy to see a Gentleman in the Sunday class who has been to several of our classes at other events. i really enjoy his questions and feedback and just his energy in general. *Super!*

We got to spend some time with Quality People who we don't get to see often enough. Very nice! Excellent time in the dungeon, i was a bloody mess when all was said and done. That just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. There was some cool/funky/weird energy stuff going on between Master and i. i've done energetic healing before and i'm also "Reiki I" initiated, so that feeling of energy flow is familiar to me. To feel it flowing out from the needles was amazing! Master felt it flowing OUT of me and i felt it flowing IN from Him. Lots to think about after that scene...

Home to the puppies and MUD everywhere! They were frantic to get hugs and puppy love. i spent all day Monday comforting them, tripping over them and feeding them. Between the 2 of them they've eaten 12 cups of food and are still going!! i also spent the day doing 4 loads of laundry. How we wore so many clothes in 4 days i have NO idea! :-)

i'm going to wrap up my evening, finish folding Mount Laundry and go root for Master's fantasy football team! (and beg for a few puffs on His relazation cigar....) G'night.....

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