Friday, February 23, 2007


Up early and man, was i tired! Coffee was provided by some dear friends and i tried to get my day started when Sir said "oh, look an accident" i looked out the window of the hotel and was horrified to see that some one hit a dog on the highway. The police came and they loaded the dog in to a car. The way they moved it,carefully in to the back seat - i think the dog was still alive. i was bawling my eyes out. All i could think was how awful it was, how bad it'd feel if one of my pups died like that.... Ugh. i miss my puppies.

So far today was very... busy (with catching up with old friends and contest meeting) but yet slow and mellow, with a lot of down time. We've resigned ourselves to not being able to go to any classes this year - so that's a bit weird. Not that we don't have anything else to think about! :-)

Master's taking a nap then we're off to shower, change and head off to the stepdown reception for Mistress Suzan and slave ziggy. What a great year you guys! Thanks for all your hard work! Then off to the Dallas Eagle for the contestant introductions and the basket auction. Fun!

The reception was beautifuly catered by Dallas boys of Leather. What an amazing spread of food. Master and i played tag with some of the judges, trying to make sure that we've met everyone before the judging starts. It's good manners AND it helps take a bit of the fear factor out of the inquisition! :-) (but just a little...)

The auction at the Eagle went very well. A good time was had by all. Big Thank You to Master Z for putting His birthday spanks on the line for the travel fund! :-) Brave Man!

Back to the hotel as early as was polite to get some sleep - we drew contestant #1, so we're on the hot seat EARLY! *groan!*

i got an email from a dear friend - exactly what i needed to hear, at exactly the right time! You Rock!

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