Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A very Dull Roar

Master was at work early, worked until the afternoon, worked out, went home, *did laundry* (i am a lucky slave to have a Master who would do laundry to help a sick and drowning-in-work slave!) made & ate dinner alone, dealt with some small time crap and then had to go back to work.

i got to see Master for about 20 minutes today and the whole time we were together was focused on small time crap. What a fucking waste. i'm angry at myself for getting sucked in to some small time crap that isn't even worth talking about. i shouldn't have been surprised.

Now it's 8:20 pm and i won't get to see Him until late tomorrow. Or more likely Friday.
i'm pluggin' away through the Henry Rollins book, A Dull Roar. Master read that one not too long ago and asked me to read it. It's a hard read. i really like Henry, he was/is a big influence in my life for a lot of years. (Despite having made me wet my pants once. Yes, it's true and it was non-consensual) It's difficult for me to read how hard everything is for him. However, since he and i have a lot in common (depression, rage, fear of people, love of good music and deep hatred of bullshit) it's been really good for me to see how he deals with that and what lessons i can apply to my own life.

Reading this made me look up the old article from Details magazine about Iron and the mind. i'm not linking to it, if you want to read it just google Iron+Henry Rollins. You'll find it. Just a tiny snippit: "People have become separated from their bodies. They are no longer whole. I see them move from their offices to their cars and on to their suburban homes. They stress out constantly, they lose sleep, they eat badly. And they behave badly. Their egos run wild; they become motivated by that which will eventually give them a massive stroke. They need the Iron Mind." (i think Joe Cornish would like this article! Hint Hint!)

i'm certainly not saying the Henry has all the answers, i know that HE would never say that, but there are some nuggets of truth to be gleaned from a person who has lived life so hard and takes those truths he's worked out for himself so seriously. i'm glad Master asked me to read this one. It's done me a world of good.

Confrontation. Discipline. Application.
-Henry Rollins

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