Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Keflex, etc.

Finally starting to feel like a human again. Still coughing but it's sporadic.

Mr Taybor has lost 2 teeth. The new ones are already growing in! Amazing how fast puppies can grow.

Sir & i had some long talks about the state of Mr Basil's health. We think he's beginning the long slow decline of an old dog. It's really sad, but we're both loathe to subject him to rounds of chemo or surgery. Been there, done that with other animals and it's always the same sad result - really crappy quality of non-life and even more misery from side effects.

It's kind of the same choice that i'd make for myself if i was in the same boat. While i was ill, there were certain things that i absolutely would NOT subject myself to. There were a lot of chemotherapy choices that i could have had rather than surgery. Surgery was less invasive than the drugs!

Feeling slightly less "adrift" in the past few days. Perhaps all the tears shed over Baz helped relieve some of the intense strain i've been feeling lately. i am still not the happiest camper ever. But i will prevail. i've also done one small thing for myself. i started wearing my nose ring again and i intend to begin wearing my septum ring when appropriate. i can't wear that one to work, but why not everywhere else? i've given up alot of things, for no good reason. Things that made me happy. It's time for me to pick them back up again and A: stop pretenting that i care what anyone thinks of me and B: get back to taking care of me.

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