Thursday, December 22, 2005

Vox from the past, raises, bonuses etc

i got in touch with a good friend after... well, it must be well over 10 years. So fine to get in touch and have him be happy to hear from me. Sir also emailed him and that went well - so that's awesome. i think we're getting together in the new year, i can't wait! i missed him, i missed the verbal repartee (and big words) that we shared. i miss being inspired by his creativity. i miss having him push me to my limits and get on stage and SING damn it! He never took any whining about not being able to do it - he just said "you're doing it, because you're good" and i did it.

i had forgotten that i did that, i forgot that i could do that. Between re-awakening my art and getting in touch with him and a lot of other small changes i've been making - i feel like i am waking up from a long sleep after a cold winter. That sounds really negative - as if i don't appreciate what i have been doing all these years. That's not the case at all. But there are so many parts of myself that i thought i needed to lay aside in order to grow, when what i really needed to do was put them in my hobo bag and take them along with me on my journey.

On the work front, today was HUGE FREAKIN' BONUS DAY as well as very nice raise and a pat on the back for a job well done day. Excellent, nice to be appreciated and feel like there's some security there.

We also, unexpectedly got the whole day off tomorrow - so i have a 4 day weekend to spend with Sir! Hurray! Hurrah!

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