Thursday, August 03, 2006

pretzle people

Sir and i went back to Yoga last night after about a month off. Wow! i really  missed that class! It was very crowded, which i was surprised at. It's still over a 100 degrees here, i just assumed people would be home in front of a fan, with an ice pack on their heads.....

It was a tough routine last night, but i enjoyed it. i have to say that i really enjoyed when the teacher was going around checking form and she exclaimed loudly "look at that form! this is a perfect Trikonasana! your spine! your spine is perfect!  Which, of course, startled me and i almost fell over on my face. (perfect? i thought there was no perfect or not perfect in Yoga?)

i'm really proud of myself for the progress that i've made recovering from the surgeries, especially the one for the i.v port in my chest which really hampered my flexibility. Plus the steriods i took have a side effect of shortening the tendons so i was really a creaky stiff person for a few years. i love my Yoga!

i'm also really proud of Sir for even trying Yoga. He can be a bit skeptical of anything that seems a bit New Age and perhaps anything that has the potential to make Him look foolish (as in "what if everyone laughs when I fall over during class?") But He's really taken to it and is darn impressive. And we've both found out that no one notices if you fall over in class because they are falling over also. OK, so we get the giggles whenever we see each other fall over, but it's not being malicous or judgemental. It's just funny and Goddess loves laughter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard all about your perfect postures this morning on the phone--go you!

The one that gives me real trouble usually comes *after* triangle, where you put one hand on the ground and the other on your hip, and then stand on one leg.

At least in theory. Oy.