Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Oy, why is packing alway such a last minute thing for me? OH, yeah, i remember... i'm not in charge and i need to let go....

On the annoying front - i can't find my other uniform skirt. Crap!

On the happy front - i DO get to dress up for the actual contest portion of our evening on Saturday. :-)
i did have a great day at work, on the road in this weather was a pleasure, crankin' the stereo (old Buckcherry) and open windows, driving fast... Whoot!
i did have an amazing conversation with someone. i LOVE talking music and i miss that a lot. Fun! Nice, i hope the conversation continues sometime.

Master just announced that cigars are packed! Yippee!

i also spent sometime selecting 3 brass bells to have sewn on during the Dance of Souls. Had to make sure the Tones are compatible. :-) OH, Rituals are such fun. (Manifest, Manifest, Manifest!)

OK, off to finish laundry and off to bed. Sweetest dreams! (although the sweetest ones lately leave me breathless and exhausted. Maybe i should wish for dreamless sleep?) *grin!*

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