Wednesday, July 05, 2006

4th of July

i was so hoping to get to relax on Tuesday and recover from the weekend. We ended up being as busy as every, returning phone calls, answering emails and putting together the dollar amounts for the auction basket for the Contest. i knew that we had a huge pile of donations and things that the Household had assembled - but i had no idea what the value was. *clears her throat* i am VERY pleased! We've got some very generous friends in this Community!

All i can say is for the people that read this blog, bring your money for the auction!
Yes - there's a weekend sailing trip on the coast of Maine with a fabulous M/s couple, with Amtrak tickets to get you there. Anyone up for some play on a yacht? Make Your slave swab the decks? Walk the plank? :-) The Cane Mutiny? This trip sounds so hot that i want to bid on it!

We're still waiting on a few items that were promised and a few that we haven't been able to pick up yet. That stuff should be done this coming weekend. A few people are bringing their donations to the event. (some HOT original art work!) This is so exciting! It's truly heartening to me to see and feel so much support.

Whenever i start to get worried about the little things that slaves worry about, i try to remember how much love i'm getting from not just my Master but from those around me and that, win or lose - there will be a lot of supportive arms to catch me when i collapse at the end of the contest! ;-)
(Hopefully some of those arms will be wielding pokey things and canes in my direction...)
The Contest countdown continues.....

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