Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Mini van, mini surgery, mini freak out

Let's start with the mini freak out - ok, not a real freak out, but there was a LOT of hysterical giggling and really bad jokes this morning at HSL. We're both starting to get really reved up and excited/nervous about the contest. The contest is going to be fun, everything will be fine - but we needed to blow off some steam and this morning was the time to do it. It was nice to be able to laugh that hard at ourselves and still feel confident that we will do our best over the weekend.

LiLu is feeling super fiesty! The vet told Sir he'd probably have to carry her to the car, but when they brought her out of her cage at the office she was jumping and leaping around. That's my girl - strong and unstoppable! The bad thing is, since she feels pretty good she really doesn't want to stay in her crate! She's been barking non-stop since she came home. i'd love to let her run around, i'm sure she'd be fine - but not until the staples come out of her legs. i ran out to Target to get her a new bed this morning, her old one is fake sheep skin and all the fuzz was sticking to her incision. Not very hygenic.
Taybor is very angry that she's locked up. He pooped and pee'd on the floor as a solidarity protest to get us to release the prisoner this morning. grrr.....
Sir and i went to get the mini van this morning. It's...well, it's a mini van. Not very hip looking but it's got lots of space for all the baskets and it's got great air conditioning - vital during this heat wave we're having.

By the way, when i got my hair cut yesterday - the first thing Randy said was "oh, you went darker" Yeah, predictable!

Off for more packing and to find some lunch...

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