Monday, July 31, 2006

Pancakes, insomnia and melted plastic

Sunday - still recovering from my lack of sleep on Friday night/Saturday morning. Made pancakes for Sir and the pups. Here's Taybor begging at the stove. Few things are more pathetic than a 60 lb puppy begging for a pancake! Oy!

i spent most of the day in seclusion in my so-called studio. i did a bit of an overhaul on it, but it still remains the Households junk room. i need to throw away about 3/4 of the things in there. (there's a BIG piece of bondage furniture in there that needs a new home....) Each time i try to dig it out, more and more clutter gets dumped in there. It's a losing battle. After i gave up on cleaning (3 trash bags later) i settled down and had a good 5 hours of melting plastic, using distress inks and paint. i even used my wicked heat gun to get some cool effects on a piece. Not relaxing at all and only somewhat cathartic - but it'll have to do for now.

Sir got me up at 6:00 on Monday, i didn't work in the studio as i hoped to. The thought of doing a big dig out that early just gives me the willies. But i got some tea and quiet time with the dogs - which the 3 of us needed. i'll try again tomorrow morning. Small steps....

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