Monday, July 17, 2006

Breaking rules

Yeah, yeah: not rules that Sir makes for me... my own personal rules. "Never switch hair colour brands before an event."
Totally Trauma Proof Hair Color  my ass!

i can't wait to get my hair cut tomorrow and Randy will cock his head at me, puzzled, and say "oh, you decided to go for a change? mmmmm... it's kind of... dark. " grumble.....i actually like it, but it's not what i wanted and it's definitely NOT what the box shows.

Lilu goes in for her surgery tomorrow a.m.
my allergies are wiping me out - my tonsils even feel swollen! ACK!

i still need to make time to call my Jack. i've been meaning to call Him back since TES Fest, but whenever i look at the clock it's too late at night to call Him. Damn space-time continuum.... If You're reading this - i will probably call You on Wednesday afternoon!

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