Wednesday, July 12, 2006


i finally finished updating the last TES fest day.

Poor LiLu had another episode this morning. i am looking forward to getting her to the vet on Tuesday to get that pin taken out of her! $1,800 bux to put it in and only $150 to take it out. Grrrr......
Sir and i got a lot of the auction baskets prettied up and shrink wrapped. my pantry (yes, it's my pantry, kitchen is my domain!) looks like a closet of perversion. Baskets of leather goods, blindfolds, dvd's & videos, liquor and food baskets...... Yummy! Just a few more to finish up, the rest of the goods, art work, etc are being delivered in person to the contest.

my outfit for the onstage needs to be taken in at the waist! Hurrah! i have to get that done by the weekend so we can take some pictures next week. It's crunch time for the Hizzles!

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